Interviewing at CHM

The College of Human Medicine hosts a digital interview process. This digital "interview day" consists of two parts: the Pre-Interview Presentations and the formal Virtual Interview. Once the invite is accepted and the interview date is confirmed, CHM invitees receive additional information and subsequent details.

Pre-Interview Presentations

Applicants invited to interview receive informational programming via access to presentations on the college's background, additional educational opportunities, special certificate programs, financial aid, the Shared Discovery Curriculum, and more. Interviewees will also be provided a digital Interview Day "packet" of information. 

These Pre-Interview Presentations serve to still allow interviewees the opportunity to review important, in-depth information about the college. The presentations are broken up into two categories: Interview Process and Special Programs.

Virtual Interviews (Zoom)

CHM uses two types of interview assessments: a one-on-one, 30-minute structured interview with a current medical student and a multiple mini-interview (MMI).

The MMI consists of timed (ten-minute), highly-structured interview scenarios. Applicants rotate through eight stations, each with its own interviewer and interview scenario. Interview scenarios include addressing questions, collaborating with a fellow applicant on a project, and engaging in role-play with a standardized actor.

Virt-IntWe believe that the combination of these two types of interviews will provide us with the most accurate information about you, thus giving you the best chance to shine for the Committee on Admissions! Our interviews will be used to assess applicant “fit” with our medical school based on additional information conveyed about your goals, passions, and personal character.  Each is designed to address topics in a highly structured manner such that there is consistency and equity in interview questions and experiences across the applicant interview pool.

Please do test the Internet connection and become more familiar with a virtual environment prior to the formal interview. Though we anticipate online interface glitches to be minimal, if encountered we are 100% committed to solving those issues with you, even if it requires rescheduling the interview.

Tips/Tricks for Technology

Camera not showing?

  • Turn off & back on again
  • Ensure your browser can access your camera here:
  • On windows: Settings > Type Camera Privacy Settings > Make sure "Allow desktop apps to access your camera" is set to "On"

Audio not working?

  • Disconnect / connect again
  • Try a different means of audio (computer mic vs. phone dial-in)
  • Ensure your browser can access your microphone here:
  • On windows: Settings > Type Microphone Privacy Settings > Make sure "Allow desktop apps to access your microphone" is set to "On"

Black screen?

  • Leave meeting and rejoin
  • Try sharing screen and then unsharing

Meeting not opening/loading?

  • Confirm the your network connection.
  • Confirm you are an active Zoom user.
  • Ensure you are NOT on a mobile device (phone/tablet) as they are not supported
  • Ensure you are using one of the recommended Browsers
    • Google Chrome 53.0.2785 or higher
    • Firefox 76 or higher
    • Safari 10.0.602.1.50 or higher
    • Chromium Edge 80 or higher
    • Internet Explorer 10 or higher

Rescheduling a Confirmed Interview

If circumstances change and you are unable to attend your confirmed Interview Day, please email us at least one week prior to your scheduled interview date. It is critical that you reschedule your interview date or withdraw your application in a timely manner so that another applicant may be given the available interview slot.

If you need to reschedule your confirmed interview date but fail to provide us with at least one week's notice, it is possible that you may not be allowed to reschedule your interview. The opportunity to reschedule will be at the discretion of the Assistant Dean for Admissions.

Interview Cancellation

Please exhibit professionalism and courtesy if circumstances change and you are not going to attend your scheduled interview day. Notify our office ASAP by email or call 517-353-9621 to cancel your interview and withdraw your application.

The interview scheduling process is complex and time-intensive, and our faculty and students volunteer their valuable time to interview applicants. Withdrawing in a timely fashion avoids inconveniencing others and gives us time to offer this opportunity to another applicant.